Public Disclosure | URL |
0. Accreditation |
1. Company Profile, policies, objective and business strategy |
1.1 Company profile |
1.2 Policy, Objective and Business Strategy |
1.3 The nature of business |
1.4 Details of underwriting product and ratio |
1.5 Contact details & Channel |
2. Good Governance Framework and Internal Control Process |
2.1 Good Governance Policy and Framework |
2.2 Company Organization Chart |
2.3 Director and Management Structure |
2.4 Committee |
2.4.1 Audit Committee |
2.4.2 Risk Management Committee |
2.4.3 Investment Committee |
2.5 Nomination & Appointment Director/Independent Directors/Executives |
2.6 Remuneration policy |
3. Enterprise Risk Management : ERM and Asset Liability Management : ALM |
3.1 Enterprise Risk Management : ERM |
3.2 Asset Liability Management : ALM |
4. Significant forseeable underwriting Risks which impact the financial status, reinsurance management, and the linkage between CAR , underwritng risk and concentration risk |
5. The value, methods and assumption in qualitative and quantitative in assessing liabilities from insurance contracts |
6. Investment in other business |
7. Company Operational Result |
8. Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) |
9. Financial Report |
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